
Welcome to Enough is Enough, the weblog of Perri Kersh. I’m a mother, a wife and a professional organizer in Chapel Hill, NC. This site includes my thoughts about the stuff we buy and live with, how I try to tread a little more gently on our earth, and attempts to answer the question that keeps nagging me–“what is enough?”

In 2006 our family began an experiment–attempting to go six months “consumer free.” The archives of this blog tell our story (both our successes and failures). Once we completed that experiment, I decided to keep writing from time to time, sharing my thoughts on organization, “stuff accumulation” and ways we can all live with a little less mess.

For more information about my business and background, visit http://www.neat-freak.com.

2 Responses to About

  1. Karen Henke says:

    Hi Perri,

    I am an organizer from Minneapolis, Minnesota. I feel like I have found a kindred spirit. I too am concerned about the environment and am struggling to find contentment instead of getting sucked into the endless cycle of consumerism. So my question for you is…When you say that your goal was to go six months “consumer free” what does that mean exactly? Just food and necessities? I’d be interested to know, it might be an interesting experiment for our family to try.

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